Edujobs, Articles, And A Podcast

Happy New Year.

I sat down with Jim Cowen just before the holidays to talk education policy on his podcast. Among other topics, why are the Democrats against parent’s rights instead of competing for that mantle? And why is it so hard to tell parents the truth about school performance?

Michelle Croft, Alex Spurier, Julie Squire and I took a look at the midterms and what’s up in 2023.

We have a job open at Bellwether – Database Associate. If you are into Salesforce, Sharepoint, and other internal systems and supporting and being part of a technical support team in the education sector, this role might be for you.

NASBE (disclosure, I’m a member!) is hiring a Communications Intern. This role is part time and paid, spring or summer. Big selling point here is you get to work with Renee Lang, a real pro and great person in our sector.

My 2023 wish for you: Independence of thought and action. This sector desperately needs it. Here’s Jesse Signal on one aspect of that and TaraElla the same.

ICYMI – here are some book (and music) recommendations.

Pro tip: If your DEI firm or consultant or chief whatever officer tells you that something like this is a good idea as an equity or inclusion play…find a better one or use some common sense and DIY. There is a lot of loose talk about who is out to destroy public education. It’s in no small part an inside job and if you love public schools, well, speak up.

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