The Reviews Are In! Round 2 ESSA Reviews

Evaluations of the 34 Round 2 ESSA state plans are out today via Bellwether’s project with the Collaborative For Student Success.

The 74:

States largely squandered the opportunity to create strong, innovative education plans through the Every Student Succeeds Act, a bipartisan group of independent reviewers found…

…Among the 34 states submitting plans in the second round, nine got a 5 in at least one category, and only Indiana received a 5 in two categories. Compare that to the first round, in which six of the 17 plans got a top rating in at least one category, with three states getting 5’s in more than one category.

All the reviews and the executive summary here.

Check State Plans site here.

One Reply to “The Reviews Are In! Round 2 ESSA Reviews”

  1. I get the criteria. And the critiques made sense, like lack of easy-to-understand school ratings, etc. Let’s stipulate that those 3 states (NY, RI, IN) with “good plans” are indeed coherent, etc.

    My question: Would Chad et al actually bet that those 3 states will achieve large, measurable gains in the coming 5 years, relative to other states, on some reasonable metrics?

    I.e., my guess would be that most reviewers would say “In real life, no, I think that there will be massive execution gaps on any of these plans…if I were a VC, I would not invest in even the coherent business plans.”

    Just a guess!

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