ESSA Reviews And Analysis, ECE Coaching, ECE Evidence, Higher Ed Act On The Move, Marchitello’s Investment Tips, Bitcoins, Teacher Podcasts, Grace Potter, More!

ICYMI Bellwether/CSS ESSA reviews.

Kate Pennington and Max Marchitello on ESSA opportunities. Anne Hyslop on the ESSA state of play and the department’s role.

Via Bonnie O’Keefe, new Bellwether analysis on instructional coaching in early childhood education. And via The 74 here’s a short version.

Max Marchitello with some investment advice. No, wait, our lawyer says that is explicitly *not* investment advice. But it’s a push for pension funds on their investments.

ICYMI Whitmire on Success Academy and his Success diet.

Ten 2017 edu charts via The 74.

Here’s CEP taking a look at year one of ESSA.

NCTQ state teacher policy yearbook – this is always a useful reference.

Higher Ed reauthorization bill in the House. Here’s a primer on major provisions.

Critics of proposals to expand pre-k education had a point when they noted that huge expansions were being predicated on a pretty thin empirical base (the logic model case was stronger, in my view). But over time the evidence base is growing that while expensive pre-k and quality early ed offer benefits.

Cameron Crowe, call your office. And on high school kids, this is heartbreaking.

Interesting take on Bitcoin, includes this point, which has implications for the education field:

All the same, the bitcoin bubble is doing some good. How can this be? The high price of bitcoin, though wildly fluctuating, is attracting attention to the underlying platform, called blockchain. This technology could revolutionize future transactions of many kinds, providing secure execution of “smart contracts,” as well as fast, efficient claims processing that eliminates expensive middlemen.

Charter schools, diversity, and politics.

Apparently they don’t teach the Barnette case in ed school anymore.

David Deschryver on the GI bill and employment.

NWEA and CCSSO have the state teachers of the year doing podcasts.

Rocketship has a new name and website. And the Charter School Growth Fund’s Emerging CMO Fund is accepting applications now.

Grace Potter and the Stones.

One Reply to “ESSA Reviews And Analysis, ECE Coaching, ECE Evidence, Higher Ed Act On The Move, Marchitello’s Investment Tips, Bitcoins, Teacher Podcasts, Grace Potter, More!”

  1. I agree with Anne’s criticism of the Department in its implementation of the law. But, I still can’t believe how mediocre the state plans are. The states asked for more freedom. It’s now obvious that that request, for most, was for freedom from doing things, not freedom to do things better.

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