Buster Unmasked! Spellings Gets Her Priorities ‘Straight’!

Here is the dangerous and subversive rabbit that the new Secretary of Education is protecting us from. Yes, today’s subversive radical wears an orange shirt, carries a red backpack, and has floppy ears. Forget the achievement gap, keep your eyes peeled for this fellow:

By the way, per the post below, according to a few emailers the people that Buster the rabbit visits are real people not other bunnies engaged in people-like work. Whatever. Edu Commentary has no idea having (a) not seen the show and (b) frankly not caring because it’s ridiculous that United States Secretary of Education is spending time castigating or censoring animated bunnies, and worse still in an intolerant way that looks transparently calculated to score political points. Besides, this whole business of psuedo-outing cartoon characters is ludicrous.

Andrew Sullivan has more.

Spellings Pulls A Rabbit From Her Hat For The Right!

Moderate Margaret no more?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Department of Education, Margaret Spellings throws a big bone — a rabbit bone to be precise — to the Republican base. PBS is preparing to distribute an animated show about maple sugaring in Vermont that apparently involves a farm run by two “mommy” bunnies. Spellings has pushed back and PBS has pulled the show. Thank goodness she’s on the case! Children were at risk of becoming lesbians, or worse still maple farmers, or even, God forbid, bunnies!

Yes, with everything going on in education the United States Secretary of Education is focusing on animated lesbian bunnies in her first days on the job. They could have just brought Bill Bennett back if this was the game plan.

Backstory: Spellings caught a lot of flack from the right wing “family” groups a few years ago for suggesting that single parents were OK. This looks like flank covering. Even if it’s just furry little bunny flanks.

The First Post-NCLB Movie?

Blackboard JungleStand And DeliverDangerous MindsLean on Me…the list of Hollywood takes on urban education is long. Now, add to that list, Coach Carter, the new Samuel Jackson movie about California high school basketball coach Ken Carter who benched his entire team because of the failing grades of some players.

It’s a good story, and a good sports movie, but what’s really Edu Commentaryy is that it might be the first post-NCLB movie. For instance, in one scene the principal and Coach Carter get into a debate about graduation rates. The abysmal graduation rates for urban students and even worse college-going rates become a theme in the movie. It’s a data-driven movie! And of course, low expectations for minority kids in the cities is a recurring theme as well.

And, in a scene the teachers’ unions will simply hate, the teachers’ contract comes in for a beating. During a community meeting about whether to overrule the coach and resume basketball even though some players are not making grades a teacher stands up and announces that working with the basketball coach to improve student grades is not something he’s required to do under the collective bargaining contract. He’s not portrayed sympathetically. It’s a rough hit and the audience at the theater where Edu Commentary saw the movie (in a county that went heavy for Kerry in November) vocally reacted negatively (interestingly, especially the kids in the audience). Might be time to call Kamber again!

Sure, the events that inspired Coach Carter predate NCLB. But the attitudes the movie shows are pure NCLB.

Perhaps things are changing? Back when Alan Bersin was being considered for the coveted Valenti job at the Motion Picture Association of America one excited reporter emailed Edu Commentary saying, “Yes! I can finally pitch my movie about teachers’ union work rules and the escalating costs of health benefits in the public sector!”

Who knows, maybe not so far off the mark? Edu Commentary’s got a screenplay in the works about political appointees who payoff media types for favorable coverage. It’s probably too unbelievable and farfetched though.

A Little More Strong-Arm Gate

In his press conference yesterday the President again distanced himself and the White House from the decision to pay Armstrong Williams and again said it was a mistake. Note also the interesting exchange on school finance in Texas…

Meanwhile, House Democrats released a new report (pdf) showing that the Bush Administration really has taken the PR thing to extremes. They’re also dropping a new bill (pdf) to curb the practice and increase transparency.

And, back at the ranch, so to speak, Wash Post’s Kurtz reports on another commentator the Administration is paying.

Trouble In MI Part Deux: The Throwdown In Motown!

Per this post, it looked like Michigan Governor Granholm was trying to force out state schools chief Tom Watkins. Now Watkins is firing back in a 4-page letter that is sadly not available online. The letter rebuts specific criticisms about strategic plans and low-performing schools, but includes a host of real zingers. A few highlights:

I have read and listened with interest to the comments you and your media spokesperson have made regarding your dissatisfaction with my job performance as Michigan’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction. I am surprised and perplexed that you would say these things as neither you nor any of your staff have shared these concerns with me personally, and given the fact that we have met on nearly a weekly basis to discuss education issues….

…I urge you to direct members of your staff to cease bullying members of the statewide-elected State Board of Education to sell out their convictions and their support of me.

I have been told that you have asked special interest groups to discredit me and convince my supporters on the State Board to fire me, as a “personal favor.” These State Board members are highly respectable people who are following their conscience, integrity, autonomy, and Constitutional oath of office…

Stay tuned!