Moderate Margaret no more?
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Department of Education, Margaret Spellings throws a big bone — a rabbit bone to be precise — to the Republican base. PBS is preparing to distribute an animated show about maple sugaring in Vermont that apparently involves a farm run by two “mommy” bunnies. Spellings has pushed back and PBS has pulled the show. Thank goodness she’s on the case! Children were at risk of becoming lesbians, or worse still maple farmers, or even, God forbid, bunnies!
Yes, with everything going on in education the United States Secretary of Education is focusing on animated lesbian bunnies in her first days on the job. They could have just brought Bill Bennett back if this was the game plan.
Backstory: Spellings caught a lot of flack from the right wing “family” groups a few years ago for suggesting that single parents were OK. This looks like flank covering. Even if it’s just furry little bunny flanks.