Edujob: State Superintendent of Education – Hawaii

Yeah, you read that right. Not sure what I can say to make the job more attractive than that. Hawaii has a really interesting system, blended SEA and LEA, and also a charter school presence. Great opportunity for impact.

The Superintendent serves as the chief executive officer of the statewide public school system and is responsible for both the SEA and LEA functions of the Department. Hawaii has 257 Department schools and 37 charter schools organized into 15 complex areas on six islands, with over 171,000 students (159,000+ in Department schools and over 12,000 in charter schools), approximately 22,600 permanent employees, approximately 20,000 casual hires and substitute employees, and an annual operating budget of more than $2 billion. Reporting to the Board, the Superintendent is accountable for achieving the goals established in the statewide strategic plan for education as approved by the Board and guided by the Board’s vision, mission, and policies.

More here including how to be considered, NASBE is leading the search.

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