A few administrative items and some edujobs and opportunities – including a great job at WestEd and several at Bellwether.
First, just a reminder you can get Edu Commentary posts by email via Substack – it’s the same content as here, just in your inbox.
WestEd is hiring for a Senior Education Finance Associate.
As a Senior Education Finance Associate in the Strategic Resource Planning and Implementation content area, you will support schools, districts, and state education agencies across the country to more efficiently, effectively, and equitably leverage the resources available to them. In a time when education is seeing both unprecedented levels of federal funding and unprecedented student need, you will engage with cabinet-level education leaders to transform resource allocation processes within K-12 systems, encourage a system-wide commitment to equity-centered funding, and advise on decisions that would broaden all students’ opportunities for success. This position will leverage deep knowledge of school finance and funding streams and education policy to support clients with systems change and strategic allocation of resources to support the needs of students and schools.
Serving as a project leader for multiple projects, the Senior Education Finance Associate will be asked to contribute to four key team functions: consulting/technical assistance for district, regional, and state education leaders; tool and resource development; project management; and knowledge building and dissemination.
Learn more about the role and how to apply here.
Bellwether is growing and hiring for a number of roles. Join our team of more than 70 full-time professionals – who live and work around the country, so this is a job you can do from where life takes or has taken you.
You can view our open roles here. In particular I’d like to call your attention to the communications director role, which is a great opportunity for someone looking for a creative comms opportunity to work on behalf of an interesting organization with unusual messaging challenges because of unique aspects of Bellwether’s approach to its work. And that sentence is a mouthful so you can see we need the help.
Finally, if you’re an organization thinking about hiring veterans please let me know if you would like to be connected with a vet who offers a short and useful Vets 101 training. Will help your hiring team or full team appreciate some differences between the branches, skills vets have that you may not realize, and how vets can add to your team in different ways. The presenter, a 20 year Special Forces officer, goes in depth on the problem solving skills that special operations veterans can bring to an organization.