Friday Fish Porn. Or, If You Prefer, Pics!

We need to talk about Friday Fish Porn.

“No thanks,” you say.

Well, hang on. As emails have become more of a popular way to get the blog and content blockers more of an issue, the few emails I used to get like this have become more common,

“Just a note that educators prefer not to get emails with the word “porn” in the subject. Can you please rename?”


“My school email filters out emails with “porn” in the subject.”


“I can’t get an email with “porn” in the subject in my school email”

In general, if someone sends a picture with kids, it’s a Friday Fish Pic. I’m into basic social decorum. If it’s an adult it’s Friday Fish Porn, we’re all adults and I assume most people are fine with it the same way we’re into cabin porn, bike porn, food porn, or whatever else. It’s, you know, not literal porn though that’s fine, too, if it’s your thing but you’re on the wrong site.*

Sometimes someone sends me one with a kid and specifically says they want it under “fish porn” and I’ll oblige that, too. I’m also customer service oriented and long time readers dig fish porn, there is a certain odd cachet to it. And it takes a lot of different fish to make an interesting aquarium, so to speak. To each their own.

Anyway, if you’ve wondered about how the fish sausage gets made, now you know.

But, going forward, the email version will always be Friday Fish Pics to avoid the filter problem and respond to that issue and the complaints/concerned/sometimes funny notes I get about it. And, seriously, apologies to anyone for whom this has been more than an inconvenience. I will talk to HR and take the blame if it helps.

Here, on the blog, we’ll do Friday Fish Porn or Pics as appropriate. So the change is newsletter only. And I’ll of course forget at some point and mix it up so please be gentle. But that’s the change going forward. What’s not changing is all the great pics. Because fishing is really ****ing fun (see, I’m trainable and am trying to oblige the content blockers) and we all spend too much time indoors disconnected from nature.

Now for today’s great fish pics: Dana Chambers is a project director for WestEd. The Chambers family fishes – and please note the smiles. You really cannot go wrong taking a kid fishing. Depending on where you are on the East Coast those are Rockfish or Striped Bass. Or Stripahs. We’ve had some other stripers through and of course this classic stripah. They are a hoot to catch, fantastic on the plate, and a great conservation story. More striper pics soon, fall is a great time to target them.

In this archive you will find hundreds of pictures of education types with fish. It’s a balm for our bombastic times. Send me yours!

*The number of search queries for “Alaska porn” that lead here because the words “Alaska” and “porn” will often appear in a fish porn post together is really something. Apparently that is a thing.

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