Everyone Loves To Argue About CRT…Plus Chu On Broad, ARPA $, More…

PSA – It’s Stop The Bleed Day. Take a minute to learn what that’s about.

Ed Week’s Sawchuk delves into the CRT debate. Good explainer with some history.

Per this yesterday, I’m not sure the terms of the debate are really clear. CRT, wokesim, and DEI are getting conflated pretty casually confusing the debate – or maybe that’s the the point for the hard core on either side.

The other day I was talking with a teacher about a lesson on “Of Mice and Men” that involves students identifying and discussing the injustices various characters in the story face. Different students see injustice in different places and acts and identify more or less with various characters. And why they do so opens the door to a rich conversation and it’s a great way to use a text. (Don’t worry English teachers, they learn about the text itself, too, this isn’t one of those classes).

The broader of the CRT bans, which seem unlikely to survive judicial review (there is a lot of that going on), could curtail or chill this kind of lesson, that seems like a problem and a small example of why people need to come together rather than cleave apart around these issues. And, per yesterday, in the hands of a poorly trained or ideological teacher a lesson like this could be a disaster – so training, curriculum, and PD all matter. You can’t outrun the fundamentals.


I wrote about the passing of Eli Broad, Dale Chu asks some questions about his education strategy and legacy.

Splits among Rs on anti-trans legislation. Does online life make Gen Z sad? More Gen Z survey data via Echelon.

First gen students face barriers even after completing college. Here’s a recent BW project on first gen students.

It’s early, but some reason for concern about the leverage of the ARPA dollars. That seems like a problem?

Sierra Hull.

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