Friday Fish Porn! Scheduling Wyoming Time

Regularly scheduled fish porn.

Jack Shaw does business development and data science work at Abl, a company focused on equity through scheduling solutions for a real pain point for schools – the master schedule. Founded by Adam Pisoni, one of the more interesting entrepreneurs running around our sector, Abl is a good reminder that you can find good solutions in the for-profit and non-profit sector and how the IRS treats an entity doesn’t really tell you a lot about its merit. And for all the talk about sustainability there is insufficient attention to how a for-profit business model is sometimes more sustainable than just depending on the whims of foundations.

Right, right, enough. You’re here for the fishing.

Jack was recently out over two days on Wyoming’s epic North Platte. Radically different weather each day. That’s western fishing. Especially this time of year.

Want more? Here’s an archive of hundreds of education people with fish. Send me yours.

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