Friday Fish Pics, Fish Porn, And Fish Policy!

Julie Corbett is an education consultant who is a frequent flyer on fish porn.

Here’s her son enjoying some fishing on Lake Champlain this summer.

Julie and Janice Garland recently published this analysis for CCSSO on the state implementation of the federal requirement for More Rigorous Options for underperforming schools.

And that brings us to Janice. She moonlights as the grant manager (and substitute river tech) supporting the Pamunkey Indian Tribe in their NOAA Species Recovery grant for the endangered Atlantic Sturgeon population in the Pamunkey River. Here she is with one. Looks big? Yes. Their largest catch last season was 263lbs.
Friday fish what? Friday Fish Porn is a feature that started in 2006 when Jim Griffin skipped work and taunted me with pictures of the good fishing. I was at the office. Now, hundreds of pictures later, here we are. And we also have lots more Fish Pics if you want to send me pics of your kids under a different header. Education and education connected people with fish, simple as that. Send me yours.

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