More Charters, Willingham Knowledge Check, Special Olympics Kabuki, Discipline Debate, NCTQ, And Proper Fish Porn….

No fish porn today, more soon, but let me use this as an opportunity to be crystal clear about what I absolutely am not looking for.

Dan Willingham with some important cautions. The gaps between research and what everyone knows are really stunning. This week I heard someone in a position of real influence talking about how it doesn’t matter when you learn to read so all this focus on early reading is arbitrary.

Yesterday I mentioned how a charter story was in no small part a dysfunctional public systems story and school district story. Here’s more from the LAT on what I meant. And reminds me of the 2004 California Charter Academy collapse, which as I recall was a school district trying to collect fees to fund some positions.

Surprise! Special Olympics aren’t going to take federal funding cut. This entire episode has been, top to bottom, an object lesson in how the federal budget and appropriations process does not work but everyone just played along and DeVos got left without a chair when the music stopped – not the first time that has happened. Update: Deep dive from Erica Green and Maggie Haberman on the backstory. And here’s a refresher on the bathroom policy debate.

Comment period for IES priorities. As opposed to the Special Olympics brouhaha this is going to happen.

Discipline debate research debate.

Good 411 from NCTQ on teachers contracts and strikes. And speaking of NCTQ this new book they have out on becoming a teacher is a great resource – a lot of stuff in one place.

It seldom turns out the way it does in the song.

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