News From New Carolina And Old Carolina, PIE News, Personalized Learning Risks, Higher Ed Problems, More…Happy Holidays…

Hailly Korman with an interesting thought experiment about whether new court cases might provide traction for constitutional rights for students. Count me as skeptical on the current Supreme Court’s appetite for any of that, but if a state did what she describes then perhaps that would trigger some unique claims.

Posting light to non-existent until after the New Year. Happy Holidays.

Late breaking news: Jenn Alexander is going to be the new executive director of PIE Network. Smart choice.

There seem to be some challenges in higher ed: A look at due process on campus via FIRE. Liberal arts in the dock. And will 50 percent of colleges close in a decade?

The other day there was a Times article about lies of commission on college applications. US News takes a look at the complexity of lies of omission.

Margaret Spellings on the UNC confederate statue controversy and higher ed governance more generally.

And elite college going may impact women more than men.

In K-12, states getting more play in the ESSA assessment pilot. I don’t know if this math curriculum is any good but this is interesting.

This take on personalized learning risks, seems plausible but both legit and ginned up fear about data privacy seems like a real risk to watch – especially given many of the key funders.

We’ll ring in the New Year with teachers strikes in California.

Edgewood, Texas is hardly the only place this persists.

This 18th Century study is pretty interesting….

Here’s the entire school safety report.

Christmas Time All Over The World.

One Reply to “News From New Carolina And Old Carolina, PIE News, Personalized Learning Risks, Higher Ed Problems, More…Happy Holidays…”

  1. Hailly Korman is doing marvelous for people they are helping a student to take students right we must hats off to this she. she is providing utter help to people Top Notch Lady…

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