BW On JHU, A Loss, Teacher Bonds, Credit Recovery, Jeffries, Rhim, & Finn, And Get Your Big Percents Off Barnum’s Lawn!

A few Bellwarians, including some JHU alums, weigh in on the Bloomberg gift to Johns Hopkins.

Harold Levy has passed. Thoughtful presence on the education scene who will be missed.

Here’s an important look at credit recovery programs.

We keep arguing that the problem is the tests, things are pretty good otherwise. And then the tests keep showing the same thing. Weird. Anyway, Ken Wagner takes no prisoners.

Hakeem Jeffries, who likes charter schools, is the new Democratic Caucus Chair in the U.S. House.

Charters on average get less money.

Two thoughts on this Lauren Morando RhimChecker Finn debate about specialized charter schools for students with IEPs. First, charters overall need to do a better job with special education students but some context matters. In particular, the idea that traditional public schools serve every student everywhere is nonsense. Public schools appropriately concentrate services to improve quality for students, use private placements in some cases, and otherwise ensure that students are served at system level rather than a school level. Lessons for the charter sector are obvious – authorizers must be thinking about this at a systems level, too. Second, Checker makes an important point on choice and it’s interesting how some parents are attracted to charters precisely because of how they choose to handle special education. This is a really complicated policy area.

Fun with percents – Matt Barnum unpacks some recent rhetoric about teacher diversity.

Bonds for teacher housing get a nod in annual Bond Buyer awards.

Longshot lawsuit.

Darkness 1978.

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