Public Schools, Choice, and Privilege. Plus Controversial Experiential Ed, Gaps, Harvard’s Fight, And More…

Harvard gets ready to fight over its admissions practices. Harvard has a pretty big fight on its hands.

Trust for Learning RFP on early ed: practice, policy, and systems change.

Janus inoculations.

Your periodic reminder that traditional public schools are not as “open to all” as billed. Related: Check your privilege.

And a periodic reminder to always read Willingham on learning styles.

Gender achievement gaps. Sandy Kress isn’t happy with the narrative on education in Texas.

Laura Waters on the education political drama in New Jersey.

Kevin Carey on more transparent college pricing information.

Here’s a teacher tenure case you may not have heard about.

Success Academy and the diverse by design issue. And the craziness over school space continues.

Checking in on the ATR…

Experiential ed:

“Yes, it was abusive and very unnerving,” he said. “But I think they’re doing it for the greater good.”

Do new staffing models for personalized learning work? Depends!

Rural schools without enough kids.

CAP on alternative accountability systems.

The sliding doors and interior layout on a minivan are hard to resist.

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