Early Ed’s Growing Pains, School Shootings, AF Growth, Mace & College, Kirst Exit Interview, Books Behind Bars, Bears, More!

Important Sara Mead on the growing pains of the early ed movement and the leadership that’s needed to drive progress.

Kirsten Schmitz on your favorite fictional teacher’s retirement deal. Andrew Frank on participatory budgeting.

In The 74 I ask whether scaring kids about guns is going sour their parents on gun politics – and regardless whether it’s the right thing to do.

Also in The 74, Max Marchitello wants to 2x Title I spending.

Paul Weinstein checks in on the three-year bachelor’s degree idea we’ve discussed around here from time to time.

Alex Hernandez with a three-part look at Achievement First’s story.

This is really not a good look for the Broward County Schools in Florida. And behind the inspiring story of civic activism by the students there is a second story of frustrated parents and students that is not getting the same level of attention. Meanwhile, in our part of the sector, based on incomplete (and now changing) information everyone seems to have a firm opinion about what did or didn’t happen there before the shooting. Also not a good look.

How a keychain mace can keep you out of college, via Ed Navigator.

Keep an eye on this Texas teacher lawsuit.

Another piece of CW debunked. Superintendents stay on the job longer than you probably think.

This Mike Kirst exit interview is a must-read.

Noam Scheiber on the strong union / weak union question.

“Books Behind Bars” on Today. New documentary film coming on this very cool initiative.

This EP event on the future of education in DC looks fantastic.

Also in DC, this is happening. Well…

Only a smeared paw print and icing left behind… “The more he grew the more like a bear he looked…” Related: bear jail.

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