“Seats At The Table,” Weisberg’s Tweet Game, And The Odds Don’t Look Good For Teachers Unions At SCOTUS. Plus, Ron Berger On Citizenship And Ed, School Choice Data, Caps #37, More!

We hosted a screening today for this film at Bellwether’s DC office. It’s about an education program in a secure facility in Virginia – and an education for all involved. Contact me if you’d like to be connected with the filmmaker – Chris Farina.

Short the teachers unions?

Look, I don’t want to say the teachers unions are doomed at the Supreme Court in the Janus case before it’s even been argued. And it’s a complicated case and the justices could come down in a variety of ways in. And the Supreme Court sometimes surprises. But…the AFT filed their amicus brief in the case last week, and, well, they cite Valerie Strauss’ reporting in support of their argument. So, yeah, they are probably doomed.

One reason that a lot of people, including a lot on the left, aren’t viewing their case very sympathetically is stuff like this:

While arbitrators agreed that 309 of 773 teachers in these disputes should be dismissed, the report said 454 kept their jobs after being found guilty of verbal or physical abuse of children, excessive absenteeism, breaking rules on test security or other transgressions.

Here’s my apparently evergreen take on the larger dynamics here.

Ron Berger on schools and citizenship.

A column Apple will love: More screen time!

EdChoice on school choice research.

David Lehrer on race and college admissions in California. And a tricky situation at Ithaca College that raises the question of second chances.

Heads-up parenting. Here’s a nice hockey story.

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