Ed Drama; The Ocean’s Hot Dog and Brookings Teacher Diversity Study; Fish Porn; Kosar Signs Off;

This guest blogpost is by Kevin Kosar, author of Failing Grades: The Federal Politics of Education, who edits the Federal Education Policy History website and is a senior fellow at the R Street Institute.

I am running low on laptop battery and conveniently left my charger in Washington, DC. So I will keep this quick.

Robert J. Bellafiore takes New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio to task for his retrograde comments about kids who go to charter schools. Is Big Bill pandering to the unions or is he really on the wrong side of history? Time will tell.

Patrick O’Donnell of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer reports Cleveland Teachers Union President David Quolke aims to start a strike right as the school year is to begin.

Richard Cano of the Arizona Republic discusses the internecine battles between the superintendent and the president of the Arizona Board of Education that led to the latter’s departure.

It’s all rather sad—because when adults fight usually it is the kids who suffer most.


ICYMI: “The Ocean’s Hot Dog” explains how the fish stick was invented and made its way to our freezers and school cafeterias.

ICYMI:Brookings released a new study on diversity in the teaching force.


I have spent this week on family vacation. As you might expect of the Mayor of Fish Porn, I have gotten a few days of angling in with my kids, and it has been good. Good fishing, and good times together that I hope they’ll remember always. I sure will.

Robert, age 10, got a blue fish and a hefty striper.

Anna, age 6, landed a snapper and helped me pull in this porgy.

Abby, age 4, hauled in her own snapper.

Little K, age 2, is too young to be around hooks—next year I’ll give him a shot.

As for me, my highlight fish was this 40+ pound striper, which I returned to the sea.

Kosar Striped Bass 08-2016
My son Robert and first mate Ed holding my striper.

As Andy Rotherham writes: “You should consider taking a kid fishing, too. It’s easier than you might think! For the entire archive of education people with fish—dating back a decade—you can click here.”

Thanks to readers, thanks to Andy for trusting me with the keys, and extra thanks to Kirsten Schmitz who edited and posted my columns this week. Cheers!


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