Early Education And Teacher Prep, Quick, Hess, McGee & Winters, Urban Ed, Girls & STEM, ETS & Opt-Outs, Education’s Day In The Shade, Plus Jumpsuits!

Kimberly Quick on Black Lives Matter and education reform. Rick Hess on big R and little r reform.

Ideas on measures of success for an increasingly unbundled education system.

NCTQ on teacher training for early ed. Annie E. Casey kids count data. Kristin Blagg on urban school district performance.

Here’s a simulation (pdf) of shifting to a cash-balance approach for teacher retirement systems:

Given the findings from previous research for the relationships between teacher attrition, teacher quality, and longevity, our simulations suggest that switching to a CB pension plan would be expected to slightly increase a school system’s total level of teacher experience—and thus, slightly increase the school system’s total level of teacher quality. CB plans also would greatly benefit new teachers and would be cost-neutral for taxpayers, strengthening the case for cash-balance pensions.

Cynthia Tucker Haynes on teaching tolerance. Campbell Brown on girls and STEM. One immediate thing you can do is look at disaggregated data on your child’s school and see if there is a male/female gap in math and science achievement. And if there is, ask why and what’s being done.

Here’s a sign education is not a big issue right now: School voucher issue buried rather than highlighted in this SAP veto threat (pdf).

Housing for teachers is a challenge in high-cost of living areas including some urban school districts. Some ideas on that here and there is some interesting stuff happening around the country.

This ETS event on opt-outs looks pretty good.

Fantastic jumpsuit.

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