Today In Victory Laps, New NAEP, TNTP Fishman Winners, It’s Always A Waterfront Real Estate Deal…Transportation, Public Impact On Restarts, Opportunity Culture, NASBE Data And Maps!

Really, who amongst us wouldn’t want 32 acres of lakefront property in New England? Jane Sanders apparently did, too, for the college she led but the financing for it seems to have been the final straw in the shaky finances of that school. The conventional wisdom is now that this will be a big problem for her husband – who is running for President of the United States as a Democrat. Maybe, but it’s hard to see voters who apparently didn’t care about his infeasible free college plan now caring that much about the meltdown of a small college his wife parted ways with half a decade ago. Aren’t they as likely to think the opposite? This is exactly why we need free college! It is worth asking why the media didn’t dig into this sooner, the college’s financial struggles are public record and have been for some time. But the race on the Democratic side isn’t about issues like this.

First Daenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark and now the news that 8th-grade girls outperformed boys on the new Technology and Engineering Literacy NAEP. That’s getting headlines but a lot of interesting information in here – don’t miss the student experience data.

Today in victory laps: Broader, Bolder says we’re done with all that accountability talk and back to improving schools without all these awkward conversations about teaching and learning. Thank goodness, will be so much more pleasant for everyone! Apparently an agenda of real accountability and choice along with an array of social policy supports remains too much to ask for…Also, the inconvenient evidence from places like Harlem Children’s Zone remains, schools matter, too! Anyhow, the rhetoric is apparently changing:

Ultimately, Clinton’s unadulterated support of teachers unions and improving teaching conditions show just how rapidly the rhetoric is changing on the Democratic side, both in speeches directed at teachers and in the wider public discourse.

Kevin Carey on all the confused politics here. It’s all about the kids!

TNTP Fishman Prize winners! Some short profiles of ideas on fighting inequality with education tools.

DK Foundation on the importance of transportation policy to students. Significant and underdressed issue in many communities.

New resources on school restarts from Public Impact. Also, Opportunity Culture teachers and their views all in one place at RealClearEducation.

In New York City it’s an enormous struggle to get rid of sex offenders in schools but they apparently can get rid of the readers fast.

New resource on state policy – database of policies – from NASBE.

USGS Topo maps are tools, art, and more!

3 Replies to “Today In Victory Laps, New NAEP, TNTP Fishman Winners, It’s Always A Waterfront Real Estate Deal…Transportation, Public Impact On Restarts, Opportunity Culture, NASBE Data And Maps!”

  1. In New York City it’s an enormous struggle to get rid of sex offenders in schools but they apparently can get rid of the readers fast.

    Ahh that hoary old chestnut. I thought we dealt with that in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.
    But like the ebb and flow of the popularity of The Proctocals of the Elders of Zion, some people can’t resist breaking the truth to make their attacks.

  2. Installation of new features leads to an extensive level facilities for public. Country or state successfully accomplish goals in given time. An improvement in literacy rate eradicates inequality among the people.
    Top Ten Learning

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