New Pre-K Data, Lake On NOLA, Mitchel On PA BS, MA Ed Politics, CRPE On The ‘Burbs, Trumpism Everywhere, Bellwether Anniversary, Bros Attack Guinea Pig.

At U.S. News I take a look at our growing affection for authority to solve our issues or right our wrongs. It’s not just Trump.

If you’re not reading Ahead of the Heard you’re missing some great stuff on adjudicated youth, early education, policy for homeless students, and Ashley Mitchel calling BS on the rhetoric about the pending teacher law in Pennsylvania.

Just in case the charter debate wasn’t nutty enough charter critics are now getting caught up in a debate that is basically about Turkish politics.

Robin Lake on NOLA governance changes. Charlie Baker cross pressured on ed policy in Massachusetts.

Bellwether launched publicly six years ago today. There were around six of us then, now almost 60. Enduring memory: Jane Pauley hosted the discussion portion of the event and wore shoes with red soles (easily visible because she was on a riser). Left an impression with many footwear aficionados there that day at Franklin School. People still mention it!

CRPE on the suburbs. Catalyst from the Bush Center looks at education in the North American context.

Mathematica getting in the blog game. “Evidence In Action” focuses on what the name suggests.

New annual NIEER report on pre-k out today. A lot of data. Sara Mead with some analysis. Big release event today in New York City. At the risk of being impolitic I’ll just say it: If you want to expand access to high-quality pre-K and convince the skeptics that this is not just a jobs program, having the head of a teachers union that needs this membership growth and Mayor de Blasio headline the event might not be your best strategy. And I say that as someone who supports a robust system of pre-K.

If you haven’t checked in on 4.0Schools lately you should. More than just awesome headbands.

When bros attack: “At least 10 members of a high school lacrosse team in Michigan have been questioned about the possible guinea pig slaying…”

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