Friday Fish Porn – Weather Warming Up, Kosar’s Already On The Water, It’s Back!

It’s warming up, that can only mean one thing around here….fish pictures. That, and the shad run is on in the east. Here’s Kevin Kosar (education analyst, whiskey expert, father extraordinaire, and perennial candidate for mayor of Fish Porn) with a nice one from the Potomac River.

Shad are an amazing fish. Here’s John McPhee’s engaging book about them and their history – and ours. And a shorter New Yorker article. They are not much for eating, there is an old joke about wood planking them that ends with eating the smoked plank rather than the fish. But for anglers they’re a blast. Strong hard fighting anadromous fish on light tackle, or even better a fly rod. Spring weather. Hard to beat.

So send pictures of you with your fish or in the pursuit of fish. They don’t have to be as literary as the shad. We take all types. And then you’ll be added to the world’s only collection of hundreds of education types with fish they have caught.


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