ESEA Deal? Hillary Clinton And Charter Schools, Cunningham Unpacks, Rauch Triggers!

Yes, rumors of an ESEA deal.

Spent time this week out at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center with some of the great people there. In general I like my job, but some days are definitely cooler than others. NASA is hiring.

Does Hillary Clinton have a charter school problem? Whitmire at war. Barone concerned. Roland Martin revises and extends. And Denver Post editorial board weighs in. Rubio pounces. NACPS is mobilizing. jumps in. No spin: The Denver Post should concern the Clinton team. These education contretemps rarely break of the low earth orbit of the education world. And when they do it’s usually as a metaphor for a larger issue. Denver Post + Rubio and you can see a glimmer of that here. Otherwise, ask yourself, when was the last time you heard a serious person say they were going to base their vote in a national election solely on education policy? I haven’t seen it polled lately, but when Mrs. Clinton’s husband was president that figure was about 10 percent.

By the way, I don’t want to give away any trade secrets but when you look at the data on charter school performance the one group they are not benefiting is white students. Keep that in mind.

Peter Cunningham looks under the hood on what’s happening in Chicago. Jonathan Rauch comes out for a trigger warning on campus. It looks like school superintendent might not be a great fallback option for Ben Carson. Quality assurance in higher education?

Great Nation article on why what the Missouri football players did is special, but not unique.

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