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"a daily dose of information from the education policy world, blended with a shot of attitude and a dash of humor"
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"a very smart blog... this is the site to read"
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"everyone who's anyone reads Edu Commentary"
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"designed to cut through the fog and direct specialists and non-specialists alike to the center of the liveliest and most politically relevant debates on the future of our schools"
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-- Education Gadfly
"don't hate Edu Commentary cuz it's so good"
-- Alexander Russo, This Week In Education
"the morning's first stop for education bomb-throwers everywhere"
-- Mike Antonucci, Intercepts
"…the big dog on the ed policy blog-ck…"
-- Michele McLaughlin
"I check Edu Commentary several times a day, especially since I cut back on caffeine"
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-- Mike Petrilli, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
"I have just three 'go to' websites: The Texas Legislature, Texas Longhorn sports, and Edu Commentary"
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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
These educators were not exceptional–they were who we are.
In Michigan, the police and fire fighter unions were given a reprieve from the legislative destruction of all other unions.
Submitted for consideration:
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/notable-shootings-shopping-malls-worldwide-17940400#.UMxd7qVHYp8 and
“Please know that our top priority in District 11 is student and staff safety,” it read. “As you know, our schools are locked during school hours and everyone entering must check in at the main office of all D11 schools. We have district security that routinely walk the grounds of all of our schools.” http://doherty.d11.org/Pages/default.aspx
Sandy Hook school was similarly locked. The killer got in nonetheless. We tell ourselves that if we lock the gate, no one will breach the threshold. We tell ourselves that if we are armed, we are safe.
We tell ourselves that if we have standards and accountability, our children will do better on standardized tests versus the rest of the world. And as we all know, teacher and their unions really are just so much http://www.salon.com/2012/09/26/wont_back_down_why_do_teachers_unions_hate_america/
We tell ourselves…
Near the front of the school, Victoria Soto was also trying to keep her students calm. The 27-year-old teacher hurried her first-graders into a bathroom near Classroom 10, just beyond the school’s main glass doors. Two students stood on the toilet. Others huddled on the floor. With no space left, Soto stepped out of the small room herself, a witness said. A 20-year-old man wearing black stepped into the classroom and shot her before quickly exiting the room.
“She got those kids to a good place and then told them they were safe,” said Robert Licata, the parent of one of those first-graders who survived. “She knew them well enough to make them feel okay.”
More on Victoria Soto:
God bless these heroic teachers and all our teachers who put students first by electing to be with them each day.
We have offered our colleagues in the state any assistance they may need.
Colleagues who are making teaching a career.
Our children are our most valuable assets
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”