New Insider Out

New data out today from the Whiteboard Insider survey – includes new data on the Common Core assessment consortia, perceptions of state-level education advocacy organizations, and tracking questions on ESEA reauthorization and other issues. The ESEA tracking question elicited pessimistic responses – meaning reauthorization is seen as unlikely – and the question was asked before Sandy Hook. Now it seems likely that in addition to all the other issues hindering action on education gun amendments will further complicate the path for a big education bill.

2 Replies to “New Insider Out”

  1. Student opinion surveys:
    “This was some big news in the Gates work. Lost in all their spin about multiple measures and language to soothe the unions were a few important findings and this is one of them. Who knows, the kids may turn out to be better at this than the grown‐ups!”
    It’s humourous to see an adult “leader” on education reform backhandedly acknowledge the failure of their methods.

  2. The inside story from Oklahoma:

    She also said she was “embarrassed it has gone badly, not just bumps in the road,” particularly because the Oklahoma Business and Education Coalition were backers of the reform and the governor had arranged an earlier visit to Oklahoma by Jeb Bush.

    Hudecki wondered how effective the grading system could be, ultimately, given the controversy.

    “A large part of the problem is in the handling of people at every level. Alienating people is never a good long term strategy,” she said. “The art of consensus building and compromise is either missing, or has been a hollow process … The public surely must be losing confidence that the reform is soundly implemented, which will make grades less meaningful.”

    On the morning of Oct. 8, Gardenhire emailed Altshuler to report that Hudecki was lobbying for a delay, “targeting the weak links on the board.”

    He wrote, “That is just appalling to me, the governor’s undersecretary undermining her own agenda?”

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