RTTD Extended, Klein Questioning, Rainy Day Reads On Math, Science, And Reading, VA Outsourcing? Plus An Edujob @ Bellwether

Every cloud has a silver lining? Application deadline for RTTD being extended because of Sandy.

Alyson Klein wants answers on the SIG program. But Thomas Dee has some interesting data.

Random reads for a rainy day: Leave aside the dig about plummeting science literacy (hyperbole) here’s a quirky (quarky?) case for the arts and science. And here’s a riveting story on math, anti-semitism, and the Soviet Union. Reading Rainbow is back on your iPad.

Andy Smarick is hiring a research assistant here at Bellwether (pdf) great opportunity to join our team.

Crisis? Has science education in Virginia really reached the point where we’re importing our moonshine from North Carolina?

5 Replies to “RTTD Extended, Klein Questioning, Rainy Day Reads On Math, Science, And Reading, VA Outsourcing? Plus An Edujob @ Bellwether”

  1. Jeff, Ignore the Klein story and check on the one to the right:

    Matching Funds Fail to Materialize for Some i3 Grantees

    Two years after the U.S. Department of Education awarded $650 million in Investing in Innovation grants and set off a mad dash for grantees to raise more than $100 million in matching private funds in five weeks, some of the i3 winners are still facing financial uncertainty stemming from initial fundraising struggles.
    A businessman who pledged $400,000 to an Oregon school district’s arts program did not make his most recent payment, potentially putting the program’s future in jeopardy. Other grantees have also encountered problems with matching funds coming through, and some nonprofit grantees have been forced to contribute their own money to match the initial amount.

  2. Also from that article:
    The terms of the competition, which was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, required the winners to raise 20 percent of their awards in matching funds from the private sector, such as philanthropies or individual donors, and to do so in about five weeks.Some grantees, such as Teach For America and the Denver public school system, used existing funders to cover substantial portions of the required match
    The why does TFA need $50 million from the US taxpayers.

  3. I see what you mean Phillip. As an educator, I like to see education funded. As a citizen, I know political patronage when I see it.

    Instead of throwing chum to the edusharks in the muddy waters of reform, the billion would be better used by making sure all lower income children have permanent home access to technology and broadband. Use another billion to guarantee ECE education plus parental support networks for all families. Level the playing field and don’t wait until children are older to try to fix such systemic problems.

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