Are NCLB Waivers An Elaborate Mousetrap? Up In San Jose, Down in LAUSD, And Watch Newark Post Sandy But Pre Merit Pay, Also A Great Edujob

In local media there is a lot of pushback on the targets that various states have set under their No Child Left Behind waivers. Latest I’ve seen is Oregon, here. Was Arne Duncan’s cunning gambit to give the states enough leeway that they’d take outrageous steps that would create a backlash and a call for more accountability in the end? I doubt it! But that’s one theory.

Keep an eye on San Jose and also on how this interesting deal between the union and the city plays in the CA legislature… Oh, and yeah, LAUSD is still a cluster. Also watch Newark and the impact of the pending vote on the new contract there (the vote is delayed because of the storm).

Here’s an edujob that let’s you work from anywhere in the country on education innovation issues for the Cities for Education Entrepreneurship Trust (pdf). Special bonus: You get to work closely with the great Ethan Gray.

4 Replies to “Are NCLB Waivers An Elaborate Mousetrap? Up In San Jose, Down in LAUSD, And Watch Newark Post Sandy But Pre Merit Pay, Also A Great Edujob”

  1. From Newark:
    There is not a lot of research on the effectiveness of merit pay to boost student achievement and the results are mixed. Three studies published in 2010 found merit pay had little to no benefit for students. Another paper published this year found significant test score bumps among teachers who were given bonuses upfront, but told the money would be taken back if student test scores did not improve.
    75% of studies show no to little benefit and this gets labeled “mixed.”

  2. There isn’t plenty of study about the performance associated with worth spend to enhance pupil good results and also the email address details are combined. 3 scientific studies printed this year discovered value pay out acquired virtually no gain for college kids.

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