Friday Fish Porn: It’s Back

I’ve been too swamped with actual professional responsibilities for a while to catch up on all the great fish pics sitting in my email box.

But I am going to try to fix that, starting this week with Kim Farris-Berg of Education Evolving. In TIME on Wednesday I mentioned teacher cooperatives, she’s at the leading edge of that work. She has a book about to come out on it. In the meantime you can follow her on Twitter here. Or if you’re hungry follow her to the mountains. She also knows how to fish. Here she is in the Sierras, no catch and release for those Minnesota types, it’s all catch and frying pan.

Lots of past fish porn via this link.

3 Replies to “Friday Fish Porn: It’s Back”

  1. At the same time that educational “reforms” are sweeping across the country, another movement is taking place, but it is largely unnoticed because of the recession. It is this: record numbers of baby boomer teachers, mainly female, are retiring in droves, while their younger counterparts are following men into many different professions. The “captive women” who in previous years could be relied upon to teach sixth grade in the “inner city” are no longer there.

    If the economy improves, as I believe it will, there will be an unprecedented shortage of K-12 teachers. As we can tell from this blog, “everyone” wants a slice of the school tax money, but “no one” wants to teach. Talented people will refuse to accept jobs with low pay and even lower prestige and autonomy. Cash-strapped districts will likely be unable to offer higher salaries and benefits that are now available. The only thing left to them will be to offer teachers autonomy in running their schools. “Work for us and you will have full professional status. Together with senior teachers, you will choose your leadership and make most decisions regarding staff, curriculum and instruction.”

    True educational reform, the kind that will positively impact our children, will only come when American teachers become full professionals.

    Thanks to Kim Farris-Berg for having the wisdom for seeing this and taking the leadership to bring it about. I’m glad to see she lives near me in neighboring Orange County, CA.

  2. Disgusting, low skill, bait fishermen. Figures for the edu-reformers. Forget flyfishing and the art of fly tying, or the science of entomology, or the emergence patterns of the Glossoma.

    Forget it. They are all about results, results, results. So, kill bunches of fish with Powerbait.

    Thankfully, they look like mushy planters.

    And yes, I am a fly fisherman, and skilled, and barbless only, for over 30 years.

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