Riddle Me This…

At New Schools Paul Herdman (Rodel DE) got an award, so did Kristin Richmond (Rev Foods). Tim Daly (TNTP) is getting one tonight at the Teach For America dinner. First reader to figure out what they have in common, wins a free book.

27 Replies to “Riddle Me This…”

  1. They were all members of the 2008 Fellows for the Entrepreneurial Leaders for Public Education Program.

  2. That’s easy. Each person is a millionaire who has never taught in a K-12 public school.

  3. Actually I never heard of any of them, but I suspect I’m right!

    I want my book.

  4. Extended response-none has been a teacher in US classrooms. What’s the book? Who chooses it?

  5. At least two are TFA alums. I’m not sure about Herdman, but it says he taught in NYC in the 90’s, so it’s possible.

  6. Wrong JSP:
    They all think they have THE answer to how to fix schools without any research base or knowledge of how schools and school systems work?

  7. Oh, they have the answer all right. These are smart people who know EXACTLY how to siphon off school tax money without actually doing the difficult (and low-paid) work of teaching children. The media (corporate partners?) might be fooled but many of us are not.

  8. Oh, my! The ubiquitousness of TFA alums in ed policy. They quickly leave the classroom and get masters and doctorates in Ed Policy.

  9. They quickly leave the classroom and get masters and doctorates in Ed Policy . . . and then make large sums of money saying we should just fire those low-paid teachers who work with intolerable working conditions and unrealistic expectations

  10. AND are so stupid and expendable and need replacement by drive-by teachers on their way to a doctorate in education policy

  11. Seems odd for people supposedly in favor of education to be so contemptuous of pursuing advanced degrees. I think that one of the bios someone provided earlier indicated that Tim Daly has a Master’s in Education, which I would guess is the same degree that all of you exploited long-term teachers have, right? You know, the one that you get to move up the salary scale?

  12. Seems odd for people supposedly in favor of education to be so contemptuous of pursuing advanced degrees.

    History, get me a rewrite:

    Seems odd for people supposedly in favor of education to be so contemptuous of quitting teaching and pursuing advanced degrees.

  13. This has all gotten ridiculously catty about people we don’t even know. My only complaint is that people who don’t understand the interactions among teacher, student, and knowledge make judgments and decisions about interactions among teacher, student, knowledge.

  14. Linda/Retired Teacher, my guess is that at one point you got into teaching because you had some hope for change. It seems clear that today you feel disempowered, I get that, but I suggest you find something positive to do with your time.

    Our kids have a very different set of expectations and we need all voices in the mix if we are going to make headway. Some are going to be from the classroom, others are going to come from a completely different perspective. We need all of them. We don’t need to agree with all of them, but we need to have as many smart people as we can engage on this massive national challenge.

    And for the record, I served 8 eight years in low income schools on both coasts and then spent another 17 years in government and nonprofits so have not made my million yet, but maybe some day.

    Paul Herdman

  15. Thank you, Paul. Maybe we can go back to the original guess-tion–how about they all were featured on the fishing blogs??

  16. Paul, thank you for your service to children. I can see that you head an organization that seeks to improve education for all students. Here are some positive ideas for achieving your goals:

    Study the lives of high-achieving children, including your own. You will find that they have quality experiences in and out of school. They usually have good health and attendance at school. All children have these needs.

    Try to provide ALL children with the advantages of their privileged peers. Yes, poor children sometimes need glasses too.

    Remember that the “no excuses” mantra can be translated to mean “Yes, I know the child can’t hear well but he can still learn.” Well, he probably can, but he’ll learn a lot more with a hearing aid.

    Protect tax dollars meant for schoolchildren. There is a national movement right now designed to discredit our public schools in an attempt to siphon off tax dollars. Do what you can to keep tax dollars out of greedy pockets.

    Encourage all citizens, even retired people like me, to speak out in favor of a quality education for all children. Remind people of the tremendous power of the pen. That is one thing I have discovered since my retirement.

    Congratulations on your award.

  17. Clarification on leaving classroom for graduate education–my point was that those who undertake doctoral degrees in education as a means of working in education policy areas should first understand deeply the interactions among teacher, student, knowledge. And two years in a classroom seldom returns that. And this exchange has reminded me how flat and limited electronic words can be.

  18. All three believe in education.

    Education is social justice.

    Social justice is code for nazi-socialism-communism.

    Therefore, all three are commie socialist nazis.

    (NAILED IT! Don’t bother sending the book. Books only confuse things and collect dust.)

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