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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
Congratulations Don on your well deserved recognition!
3 cheers for Don Shalvey Day!!!
My understanding is that the proclamation comes with the following rights and privileges: one, all guys named Don who founded a charter school drink for free in Philadelphia for 24 hours. All guys named Don who founded a charter school are immune from arrest and not held accountable for their conduct for as long as they are standing, walking, or are propped up by friends and/or relations by order of the city council.
I once thought you’ve truly “made it” in life when you own a boat that also has a boat on it…but now I know you’ve made it when a major US city names a Day in your honor! Congratulations Don! You make us all proud!
Here’s another good story about charters in Philly:
That just ROCKS.
Way to go Don!
Who says you can never go home?
Nice move Philly.
Does Philly know that Don is a wannabe AM radio star? Doesn’t a local station want to pick him up??
More details for the viewers at home – Don celebrated the end of his day in Philly with a vintage Don Shalvey – guess what’s on my ipod – songfest. Congrats Don!
Back in 2000, Don Shalvey was the first educator I ever saw lauded for innovation on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.
So, what’s on his ipod? “Be True to Your Charter School?”