And Uncommon…

The holidays came early for some educators in Washington, D.C., too:

Jon Schnur, chief executive of New Leaders, said D.C. public schools have $11 million available over the next five years for performance awards and to fund teams to record the “best practices” of those educators on the Internet.

“This is a groundbreaking effort,” Schnur said. Among participating school districts, the District gave out the highest awards and is the only one to include all staff members.

3 Replies to “And Uncommon…”

  1. Be interesting to see what they come up with in terms of rules for disbursing the funding.

    I’m thinking something along the lines of helping to encourage a community spirit and tolerance for diverse points of view. On a scale of one to five I expect.

  2. I get a little worried when money and best practices go together. Rewarding teachers for being good at what they do is great; what I worry over is whether or not these “best practices” will end up being determined by political or bureaucratic objectives. Everyone knows teachers need money; but should money be used to tell teachers how to teach?

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