Righting the Ship

Like others, Edu Commentary was skeptical about whether ELC was going to be able to pull out of its tailspin. Yet they seem to be doing just that (and caught a big break with the election, Edu Commentary assumes the early exit polls caused an anxious afternoon at ELC world headquarters!). Here’s the agenda (pdf) for their annual conference (December 3-4), rescheduled from October. It’s a little light on the bipartisanship (isn’t unity the order of the day now???) but some interesting folks nonetheless.

If you go, don’t miss the dynamite panel on standards and assessments with Achieve’s Matt Gandal, Princeton Review’s John Katzman, NWA’s Allan Olson, and ELC’s Ted Rebarber. Similarly, the charming and brilliant Denzel McGuire, a key Republican education aide in the Senate, speaks about special education and IDEA No Child [sorry, fingers moving faster than mind]. Not-to-be-missed for tea leaf watchers.

Edu Commentary won’t be there (he’s well over his Orlando quota for the year) but any feedback via email much appreciated…

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