Boardbuzz Silence Watch – Day 5…Win An Anti-NCLB CD!

It’s been five days, and Boardbuzz still has not commented on the outrageous behavior of San Diego School Board member Frances Zimmerman who compared supporters of a plan to overhaul several low-performing schools there to Nazi collaborators. By a 3-2 vote the board censured her.

When will Boardbuzz weigh-in? They can’t possibly support this sort of rhetoric. But when will they break their silence and hold forth on this truly shameful episode?

Edu Commentary has no idea, but waits eagerly (along with this guy…). In the meantime, you, dear reader, can decide! Email Edu Commentary (education AT with the exact date (and, yes, you can guess “never”) you think Boardbuzz will address the issue. The person guessing closest will win a coveted CD of NCLB protest songs! Yes, the same CD that USA Today’s Toppo writes about here. Get it before it goes gold or platinum!

Fine Print: In the event of a tie the entry received first will be declared the winner. Obviously, employees of NSBA are not eligible, just wouldn’t be fair. But, to sweeten the pot, Edu Commentary (who as a fan of folk music is in possession of a number of these CDs and loves to drive around at high speeds blasting them from the educruiser’s hi-fi system) will send one along to the hardworking staff of Boardbuzz when they do finally break their silence.

Update: Per the above, one reader wants a good -and serious- folk music recommendation. Here is one, Scuffletown. They’re terrific live, have a couple of strong CDs out and another on the way, and the guitar player/lead vocalist moonlights as an outstanding high school principal.

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