Many of you asked, we belatedly responded. You can all stop sending notes about newsreaders now; on the left are two buttons so you can now add Edu to your favorite newsreader. Many thanks to our web manager, adding those was way beyond Edu Commentary’s technical capabilities.
NY Post writes up the new Hoxby charter school study but, sorry, no link to the study itself yet. Consequently, also no review yet.
NYT’s Gootman takes a long look at new principals from the Klein – Bloomberg principal factory. Pretty much a must-read if you follow that issue. Also in the NYT, Samuel “Freud” Freedman takes a look at anxiety dreams and school anxiety.
Concerned about investments in education and other social programs? Then this should scare you…
Conflicts between No Child transfer rights and athletic eligibility for high school students have been causing concern. Here’s a story from KY on the issue. There is not a simple solution to this one. Via NASBE.
The rumors about NEA membership troubles appear to be entirely unfounded. The President’s column in NEA Today (Edu Commentary’s an avid NEA Today reader so he knows what to think, and you should be too…) notes that 1 in 10 Americans are NEA members. That’s a lot! In fact, as alert reader Mike Antonucci of Education Intelligence Agency fame was quick to note, the real figure is 1 in 100. What’s a decimal point left behind among friends? Quickly fixed/Kremlin-style airbrushed version here.
Finally, in the character education department, if you needed any more evidence about how horribly craven the New York Yankees are, it’s here.