Breaking News: Sky Not Falling In PA Because Of NCLB! Also, College Football, Shenanigans In CA, A Math Debate, And Bonus Bluegrass!

No Child Left Behind AYP results from PA. Punchline: Sky not falling there either.

In California the NEA pulled off an ambush and some political strong-arming. They’re understandably very proud. This is clearly post it on the refrigerator caliber work! ABCTE has the facts on its side in all this, and today’s licensing and credentialing system is demonstrably broken. Yet, ABCTE seems strikingly unable to execute, even in light of the challenging politics. If ABCTE were a stock Edu Commentary would have to downgrade them to a “hold” right now.

Also in CA, Peter Schrag has more about the chaos that passes for education policymaking there. And, if you’re really a CA political junkie, Mickey Kaus has more on Schwarzenegger’s Pecker problem. David Pecker that is…get your minds out of the gutter!

RMN’s Seebach (a mathematician by training) says don’t draw too many math lessons from TIMSS or NCTM either! Who can you believe here? Perhaps we need TIMSS Veterans For Truth? Via

Update: Joanne Jacobs has more.

College football formally kicks-off this Saturday with USC (-18) v. VA Tech* in Washington. To help everyone get in the spirit Wash Post’s Schlabach takes a look at big time football schools that give players academic credit for football classes. It’s a really good story and a legitimate gripe. A number of athletic directors at other schools (including some big time football ones) expressed surprise at the practice. But, in fairness, at most schools, including elite schools, there are plenty of cushy classes that upper-middle class non-athletes can take to avoid work and/or pad GPA’s. If righteous indignation is the order of the day then some ought to be directed that way, too. What’s the over-under on righteous outrage about this anyway?

NYT’s Harmon takes an interesting look at how technology is modernizing bullying. Ah…progress…

If you, or someone you know, is considering teaching then this book by Ben Wildavsky and a team from U.S. News is must-reading. It’s a thorough compilation of the policy debate and practical resources in every state.

Finally, mostly unrelated to education, but it’s August. If you’re a bluegrass fan be sure to check out the Biscuit Burners from Asheville, NC.

*USC is tough but if the Hokies can’t cover 18 it could be a really long season…

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