If an education story is written this weekend and it’s not in the Wash. Post or NYT does it make Edu Commentary? You decide…

More Chicago, the AFT weighs in.

In the Sunday NYT Book Review Daniel Swift reviews “History Lessons: How Textbooks From Around the World Portray U.S. History.”

Colbert King writes about the plight of DC youth in The Washington Post, don’t miss this one.

Also in The Post, David Broder discusses the hyper-partisanship in the House of Representatives, which is in no small part why little gets done these days. Another must read, this impacts education policy along with everything else.

In the NYT Michael Winerip gives a detailed and depressing look at special education in NYC.

More on Cosby here.

And, NYT’s Greenhouse wraps up the just ended SCOTUS term.

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