Edu Commentary: Your Source For Non-Stop Home-Schooling Action!

In response to this, this, and this post (and in particular Edu Commentary’s assertion that the recent Virginia homeschooling bill vetoed by Governor Warner was a political gimmick) a home-school parent writes Edu Commentary to say:


It wasn’t the [VA homeschool] legislation that bore the political agenda, but how it was promoted: aggressively, with repeated, intentional misinformation, in a time when “accountability” is the big educational buzzword. Some also believe it is part of a larger push by Home School Legal Defense Association to change homeschool laws across the country, perhaps spurred by a reduction in cash flow; this hyped-up promotion of a small change in the law gets them lots of exposure, reinforces hyperbolic visions of the educrats against the poor little homeschooler, and demonstrates how much homeschoolers “need” this organization.

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