In the NYT Samuel Freedman continues to revitalize the ‘On Education’ column taking a look at the small schools issue in New York.
In The Washington Post Jay Mathews points out that SAT scores are less than deterministic. For example, President Bush did pretty well on his…ha ha, just kidding!
Virginia Governor, and rising star, Mark Warner told a Washington audience yesterday how he managed to overcome enormous deficits left by his predecessor and promote innovative policies including in education. AP reports more.
In Arizona the Arizona Tribune reports some charter schools are resisting efforts to make salaries transparent. Back and forth about whether they’re on firm legal ground in doing so but it’s clear that they’re on very weak PR ground…via U.S. Charter Schools
More on the consortium of Northeastern states working together on testing and further evidence that a “bottom-up” approach to any national test is more realistic than a top-down one.
The CSM takes an interesting look at how Minneapolis is responding to more educational choices.
The new 21st Century Schools Project Bulletin is posted here. You can subscribe (free) here.
Over the weekend the NYT Magazine took a long look at Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone in NYC. It’s an excellent article. Pay particular attention to (a) Canada’s relentless use of data while still running very warm programs (b) the UFT shot across his bow (c) the enormous stakes people are ascribing to his plan and (d) the network issue.
The National PTA gets its signals crossed with a group representing gay students.
More back and forth between Moskowitz and the mayor in NYC. Also in NY, though no articles online yet, SUNY voted not to re-open discussions about the closure of the Reisenbach Charter School. An Edu Commentary source says that, after a “lively” discussion, the argument that the school had not acted with urgency to address problems or even appeal the decision carried the day.
The Washington Post has more on the voucher program in DC.
NYT readers respond to Juan Williams, including about vouchers.
And, who knows why, but this story about ABCTE in Florida is a hatchet job…
Finally, “Ask A Josten’s Class-Ring Salesman” advice questions here.