In Education Week, Darcia Harris Bowman writes up the new Bryan Hassel and Michelle Godard Terrell Arizona charter school report.
Larry Summers a conservative? Read about it here in the Wash Post.
They’re high on small schools and charter schools in the Windy City, reports the Chicago Tribune.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that former U.S. Attorney, current San Diego School Superintendent, policy wonk, and all around very talented guy Alan Bersin is a dark horse candidate for the coveted Valenti job at the Motion Picture Association of America. What does this mean? Well, as one excited reporter emailed Edu Commentary this morning, “Yes! I could finally pitch my movie about teachers’ union work rules and the escalating costs of health benefits in the public sector!”
The New York Times has an important story on higher ed diversity, showing the larger need to peel back the onion when analyzing this issue. Also, AP looks at U-Mass in the wake of last year’s SCOTUS decision.
Also in the NYT, columnist Tom Friedman says beware the Chinese and do your homework to prepare to fend them off. Hmmm…hasn’t China always been the next big thing…and double hmmm…the Prussians, the Russians, the Japanese, yet somehow we muddle through every time…maybe a better reason to improve the schools is for basic equity and social cohesion reasons; the economics and security questions tend to take care of themselves in our society.
In Massachusetts, more charter school debate. Governor Romney is proposing a last minute change to the financing formula there to try to stave off a moratorium. You have to work hard to make Mitt Romney look good politically, but with this charter moratorium Democrats and school officials there seem to have stumbled on a way…
John Merrow offers some thoughts on grade inflation in the new Carnegie Perspectives.
With demographics like this it’s perfectly understandable why the teachers’ union in Detroit is fighting against efforts to improve the schools there…
A disturbing story from St. Paul (and one you’re not going to find in NBPTS promotional materials…)
More talented 10 debate in Texas (via
If you’re into wine and/or public charter schools, this Ben Giliberti Washington Post column is for you.
A new report (PDF) on teacher induction from the Alliance for Excellent Education.