Stop the Presses!

Fordham Foundation’s Education Gadfly endorses universal access to pre-k education. It’s a crucial issue and not unaffordable, even now. The success of technology education surely convinced them of the efficacy of some progressive ideas! But will Bush – Cheney listen? It is anybody’s guess who will find religion first, liberal Democrats on accountability or conservative Republicans on the importance of pre-k education. But that party will be in pretty good shape…

By the way, Gadfly’s analysis of Kerry’s education plan gives the teacher quality provisions short shrift and minimizes the importance of the graduation rate issue. And, like Mickey Kaus they focus on the the political challenges down the road which, while formidable, do not minimize the significance of the proposal now. Gadfly does, however, note that President Bush needs an agenda in the first place.

Of course, Edu Commentary feels like an ingrate for criticizing on the heels of being labeled perspicacious. Maybe they’ll find a fancy synonym for ungrateful next week!

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