More concern about racial disparities in special education, this time in New York. The New York Post’s Kenneth Lovett and Carl Campanile say don’t forget the achievement gap either. In USA Today the editorial board laments the lack of innovation in public education, Arnold Fege argues that, on the contrary, there is “innovation fatigue”. And, while Condi Rice is rebuilding Iraq, her cousin wants to rebuild public schools here…uh oh. Joanne Jacobs notes the irony that just as colleges are starting to de-emphasize the SAT, some employers are starting to emphasize it…Also, don’t miss Anne Applebaum’s Washington Post look at how we teach history, pegged to Brown but really larger.
Want a little more Brown? Eugene Volokh discusses it here and here. Worth reading, particularly for 14th Amendment fetishists…
Finally, this week’s 21st Century Schools Project Bulletin is now online, lots of stuff not on Edu Commentary. You can subscribe to get it by email here.