AM News: Slow Holiday Weekend Edition

The New York Times’ Sam Dillon takes an important look at rural education and school closures.

Meow! The Washington Post reports that DC Mayor Tony Williams and Rudy Crew are feuding and School Board Chair Cafritz is taking pot shots at the Mayor…Gee, why aren’t people lining up for the DC sup’t job? The Post also reports that the hiring of Jack Dale for the Fairfax County sup’t job is official. Much less bloody than DC…

Also in The Post, Terry Neal discusses the politics of education and Hispanics. NCLB Misinformation Watch: Neal reports on a Zogby poll finding that a “slight majority” of Hispanics are opposed to NCLB’s provisions that reduce federal funding for schools that don’t meet state standards. Interesting hypothetical question, sure, but NCLB has no such requirement…read the story anyway, it’s very interesting. Bonus Delayed NLCB Misinformation Watch: A recent Weekly Standard article reports on NLCB and mentions the voucher provisions several times…again, no such provisions…no wonder the public is confused about this law…

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