Susan Estrich opines on the Democratic-led takedown of Democratic State Board of Education member Reed Hastings in California. In addition to Hastings’ record of support for public education, Estrich notes that, ironically, it’s the first defeat of a Governator nominee…
Key quote:
“I’m ashamed today to be a Democrat, to have to come up here to convince Democrats that this is a good thing,” my friend Steve Barr, the president of Green Dot Public Schools, one of the most successful charter school groups in California, said. Steve was one of the founders of Rock-the-Vote and has worked at the highest levels of Democratic politics for 20 years. He went to Sacramento to testify for Reed.
Edu Commentary also knows Steve. He’s a Democrat’s Democrat and a veteran organizer. He runs several outstanding charter schools which in time should help lead to a change in thinking about what’s possible in urban education. When people like this start to become radicalized it ought to be a wake-up call…What was it the Governator said about special interests anyway…
Links via Kaus who weighs-in, too, noting Hastings’ support for charter schools and refusal to water down standards for No Child Left Behind and asking:
Are those secret reasons he was defeated–with the Democrats carrying the teachers’ unions water, but letting Latinos take the lead? The unions might not want to be seen publicly opposing someone like Hastings who had been effective at getting more money for schools. …
Good question, but regardless of the answer, Democratic strategist Garry South’s point that:
“We’re in serious trouble if Democrats are going to go on a purge and get rid of every single Democrat who has moderate, mainstream views,” he added, “and doesn’t adhere to total orthodoxy as members of the Legislature define it.”
is valid and not only applicable in California…