The Honest Debate

There is a legitimate critique of No Child Left Behind, and in this Boston Globe essay Ted Sizer lays it out. But just being against NCLB isn’t much of a reform, because it begs the question, if not standards then what?

To his credit, Sizer goes on to lay out his solution, too. But don’t look for the NEA or their various bankrolled front groups to be trumpeting this Sizer idea. That relationship will end at the critique. Sizer understands that some leverage for change, beyond just good intentions, is necessary. He just doesn’t like NCLB’s levers.

Though Sizer explicitly rejects it, there is a Third Way, marrying some choice with standards and public accountability (and some choice programs today desperately need both of those). But what Sizer’s essay implicitly shows is that the generic anti-NCLB argument is barren. Even if you don’t agree with his remedy, illustrating that is an important contribution to this debate.

Afterthought: Enough Sizer praise! What’s the “serious research” dig toward the bottom? In education, as soon as someone says that pseudo trump card, without offering any up, be suspicious…

A Note To Readers

As a consumer of – or paranoid about – this blog, here’s some news you should be aware of. Last week, Virginia Governor Mark Warner, appointed Edu Commentary (in real life Andrew Rotherham) to the Virginia State Board of Education. It’s an honor to serve, particularly because I have benefited from the state’s public schools and universities. Virginia has a nine-member appointed board and this is Warner’s final appointment to it. Virginia has a one-term limit for governors so he is not on the ballot in November’s gubernatorial contest.

How will this affect the blog? Probably not too much. Posting will be lighter from time to time. Although I enjoy writing the blog, it can’t take precedence over other obligations and the really important stuff like time with the Eduwife, fishing, or best of all, fishing with the Eduwife – who is a noted menace to Virginia’s smallmouth bass with spin or fly rod.

Other conflicts? Well, it’s no secret that Edu Commentary is a big fan of Warner’s work on education. See, for instance, posts here, here, here, and here. So the record is already pretty clear there. In terms of perceived conflicts with national issues that also bear on Virginia, if you think one exists and hasn’t been adequately addressed, please feel free to send email to “education AT” with feedback. Many of you helpfully do this now. Thoughtful and/or humorous feedback is often posted.

Of course, without breaking professional confidences, I write on what interests me, what I have time for, and what I think interests readers based on your feedback and traffic patterns. So, as in the past, it’s useless to infer much from things that do or don’t get posted beyond those basic parameters.

Finally, there may also be a few more guest posters from time to time. We’ll take those on a case-by-case basis and they’ll obviously be clearly flagged as other voices.

Two New Studies Very Much Worth Your Time Today

Education Trust West unpacks intra-district disparities in an excellent new study. Important implications for the teacher quality and school finance debate. Interesting finding on race/ethnicity v. low-income as a factor here. Must reading. Está en Espa~nol, también.

From the Center For Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington comes “Buried Treasure” (pdf) a valuable new study by Mary Beth Celio and James Harvey about using data to make educational decisions. The report has a focus on leadership but broad utility.