More Navel Gazing…

One more thought per this issue about off/on-the blog record stuff. Franklin Foer makes some great points in this TNR article ($) about why blogs shouldn’t replace the oft-vilified” mainstream media.” That was the attempted point below, this isn’t journalism, it’s perspective which is fine, but not a substitute.

Update: Russo responds to the post linked above but I think he misses the key point: I’m not claiming quasi-journalistic cred but rather the opposite. Likewise, it wasn’t about what should or should not go into a blog, as I said, it’s marketplace and bloggers and readers should decide for themselves. It was merely about what does and doesn’t go into this blog. Finally, he asks for some inside scoop on being a source. Well, reporters call and you talk and sometimes they use what you say in a story but more often not. It’s (a) not exactly must-see TV and (b) we work on ed policy not, say, national security so it’s not cloak and dagger stuff…Edu Commentary doesn’t put a flower pot on his porch when he has a thought about NCLB…

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