CT and NYC: Send In The Lawyers…And The Frowns!

As expected CT Attorney General Blumenthal has filed suit against the feds over NCLB. But, here’s a twist: The Citizens Commission on Civil Rights and Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law have sent Blumenthal a letter threatening to sue CT (and other states) for not helping poor school districts:

On May 20, 2005 we sent a Freedom of Information request to Betty J.Sternberg, the Commissioner of Education, asking for a copy of the plan required by Section 1111(b)(8). In reply we received a letter from Commissioner Sternberg dated June 15, 2005 enclosing a volume of material almost entirely unrelated and unresponsive to our request.

It appears that Connecticut has no plan and is in violation of 1111(b)(8). This lack of compliance cannot be attributed to testing costs under NCLB that you complain are excessive. Testing is not required for the State to analyze the needs of Title I schools and their districts and to prepare a plan to help them to achieve the capacity to carry out their obligations.

If you are able to enlist other states in your legal campaign against NCLB,we will be asking them the same questions about their compliance with 1111(b) (8).

Stay tuned on that.

And, in NYC, one well-connected observer writes Edu Commentary that comments like the first one on this post show that the UFT may be getting more than it bargained for with Edwize:

If actual members read and respond to this blog, it will become apparent that the “face” of the union has long been assumed by a small group of people who are out of step with even mainstream teachers.

Word is some folks inside the UFT have similar concerns…

PS–Edwize may not get up early but they only sleep until two…still they wake-up groggy…labeling Kate Walsh a conservative when in fact she’s a Democrat! Let’s hope this isn’t a trend…

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